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Five Things to Pack When Going for a Long Trip With Your Cat


Are you heading out on a long trip with your feline companion? How exciting, I must say. But before you hit the road, ensure you have everything your cat needs for a comfortable and stress-free journey. According to professionals at Long Distance Movers in Los Angeles who often handle special cases like moving with pets, cats often get stressed during a long trip. So it’d be best to keep their safety and health in mind.

After all, cats may be independent creatures, but they still rely on us to provide for their well-being. So, whether you’re embarking on a cross-country adventure or just heading to Grandma’s house for the weekend, here are five essential things to pack when traveling with your beloved kitty.

Toys and Play Sets


Toys are essential for cats as they provide mental stimulation and help prevent boredom. You can pack a variety of toys, such as interactive puzzle games, feather wands, or balls with bells inside. These toys will not only keep your cat entertained but also encourage their natural hunting instincts. In addition to traditional toys, you can also consider packing some interactive play sets. These could include scratching posts with attached dangling toys or tunnels for your cat to explore.

Pet Microchips

As mentioned, your cat’s safety can’t be compromised. And that’s where pet microchips come in. These small devices, about the size of a grain of rice, are implanted under your cat’s skin and contain vital information such as your contact details. Why is this so crucial? Well, imagine if your curious kitty were to wander off or get lost during your trip. With a microchip in place, it significantly increases the chances of being reunited with them.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

The first aid kit specifically designed for cats ensures that you can provide immediate care and comfort in case of any minor injuries or ailments. In your cat’s first aid kit, make sure to include basic supplies such as adhesive bandages, gauze pads, and antiseptic wipes. These items will come in handy if your furry friend gets a small cut or scrape while exploring new surroundings.

Portable Litter Boxes

Cats are known for their cleanliness, and having a designated space for them to do their business while traveling is crucial. That said, get some portable litter boxes, which are typically lightweight and collapsible, ultimately super easy to carry and store in your luggage or car. Not only do portable litter boxes provide a familiar spot for your cat to relieve themselves, but they also help maintain hygiene during the journey.

Travel Water Dispenser

Staying hydrated is a must for your cat, just like you do. That’s where a travel water dispenser comes in handy. These nifty little devices allow you to provide fresh water for your feline friend wherever you go. Travel water dispensers are designed specifically for pets and are compact and convenient to carry around. They usually have a built-in bowl or spout that allows your cat to drink from the container directly. Some even come with filters to ensure clean drinking water. Safe travels with your furry companion.…